From jockeys to jumpers to eventers, Carlos Arias crafts custom whips for the global equestrian community. You can find an Arias Whip on every continent in the world.
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Born in Mexico City, Carlos Arias spent three decades as a jockey, in California, Arizona, and Dubai. Then, in 2007, he hung up his tack. Shortly after, he purchased his whip business from former jockey Orlando Garrido, and opened Arias Whips in Monrovia, California, not far from Santa Anita racetrack.
Since then, he has elevated his whip making to an art form. He specializes in custom whips, with clients around the globe, although he also makes standard whips without custom features.
Initially making whips for jockeys, Carlos has now been discovered by riders from other equestrian disciplines - eventing, dressage, and hunter/jumpers - who appreciate the level of craftsmanship and customization Arias Whips offer.
From Kentucky Derby jockeys to Olympic eventers, riders at the top of their sport choose Arias Whips. Once you have a custom Arias Whip, you'll be hooked.
Questions? Email us using the form below. Ready to order? Click on one of the links above to go to the order page for the whip type you want.